Golden Gate Park, SF • –



Mixture of Minds is a one-day festival for cool people in the Bay Area to meet, mix, and mingle. We hope that you'll come away with a new friend, a new point of view, or at least the memories of a day well spent.


11:00 am Breakfast
Noon Opening talks
12:30 pm Presentations
2:00 pm Speed friending
2:30 pm Lunch
4:00 pm Working groups
5:00 pm 🎭 Theatre
6:15 pm Dinner
7:00 pm ???
8:10 pm 🌅 Sunset


Here; (37.7702°N, 122.4891°W); helps.casual.slang


Do you like food? Arguing about the future of longevity? Arabic poetry? Spikeball? Making the world a better place? Figuring out how to optimally make the world a worse place (in theory)? Being outside with cool people on a warm day in May?

If you answered yes to 0–2 or 4–7 of those questions, we hope to see you there!

Brought to you by Andrew and Derik.


Tickets cost $20 plus your LessWrong karma in cents. However, you can do a number of things to decrease the price between now and Sunday (down to $0!):

Action Discount
Do 20 pushups※† $1
Donate 1000 mana to charity※ $1
Kiss someone you've never met before† $2
Call your mom and wish her a happy Mother's Day† $3
Submit a Freedom of Information request $5
Publish a 500-word blog post※ $8*
Completely submerge yourself in the water by Golden Gate Beach† $13
Publish 10,000 original high-quality Anki cards $144
Be a mother Free!
※ = you can do it more than once, † = you gotta do it at MoM
* = less additional obtained LessWrong karma
RSVP here